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The Frazee house sigil is the owl, a powerful symbol representing both advanced wisdom and vision. 


Frazee Heads of House:

Mitchell Crouch (

Any Jivan (

The Godfrey house sigil is the lion, an animal universally recognized as embodying grace, power and majesty. 


Godrey Heads of House:

Sara Pistilli (

Mac Whaley (

The Rogers house sigil is the serpent, an ancient symbol representing wisdom, medicine and guardianship.


Current Rogers Heads of House:

Kelly Dziersk (

Brandon Varguhese  (



The Houses of Lambda


   Lambda is divided into three houses named for three of our founders:  Frazee, Godfrey, and Rogers.


Inspired by the writings of J.K. Rowling, brothers compete each year to earn points for their respective houses by participating in fundraising, scholarship, professional, service, and social events all designed to develop and enrich brotherhood in our fraternity. These houses help provide a more intimate setting for brothers who prefer smaller social circles.


At the end of each year at the annual alumni banquet, the house with the most points is awarded the coveted house cup!


Official house point totals as recorded by the WKRS can be found on the official points sheet. Points are updated live; however, at times there may be a delay in point verification. If you have a concern about points, please contact the WKRS.)

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